Geeking on 25 Years of Power Rangers Part 16 – PR Jungle Fury

Geeking on 25 Years of Power Rangers Part 16 – PR Jungle Fury

For the next commentary counting down to the 25th anniversary of Power Rangers, we look at an episode from Power Rangers Jungle Fury entitled "Can't Win Them All." When Theo, the blue ranger, receives his first defeat (as unlikely as it seems), he loses all of his confidence in himself and his abilities. Can RJ help him get his confidence back in time to help Casey and Lily save the city?
Special 06 — Geeking on the Power Rangers Part 6

Special 06 — Geeking on the Power Rangers Part 6

One more time, I am joined by Daoud Faquiryan as we complete our journey through 20 years of power Rangers, by looking at Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury, RPM, Samurai, Super Samurai, and Megaforce. Plus, a little bit of info about Super Megaforce. Thank you all for following us on this journey, and thanks again to Daoud, Joe, Donovan, and Josh for joining me for these special episodes.