Classic Episode 04 — Geeking on Justice League: A Midsummer’s Nightmare

Classic Episode 04 — Geeking on Justice League: A Midsummer’s Nightmare

It's the first episode of the month, which means its time to talk comics. So to start things off, were going to start looking at Grant Morrison's JLA. But, before he started his run, there was a little mini-series that was used to set things up. So return with me back to the summer of 1996 and experience the birth of the new JLA.
Classic Episode 01 — Geeking on Me

Classic Episode 01 — Geeking on Me

Welcome to the 1st classic episode of Charlie's Geekcast, where I went on and on about how I got started collecting comics with just a single Batman comic. Plus, I touch on a little bit of then current comic book news and list off my favorite and least favorite comic book artists. I hope you enjoy the show. Next episode, part 1 of a 2 part look at The Transformers.