Episode 09 — Geeking on Blue Beetle and Honoring Steve Ditko

Episode 09 — Geeking on Blue Beetle and Honoring Steve Ditko

With the passing of Steve Ditko on June 29, 2018, I could not let the passing of such a comics legend go by without honoring him in some way. In this episode, we look at the origin of Ted Kord, a Silver Age reinvention of the Blue Beetle character, from the mind of Steve Ditko.

Classic Episode 22 — Geeking on Fantastic Four v3 #1

Stepping away from my usual coverage of DC books, this time we look at a comic issue starring Marvel's first family: The Fantastic Four. In this issue, the FF re-acclimate themselves to their proper lives after spending some time in the Heroes Reborn Universe, while also facing the terror of The Ruined.
Classic Episode 01 — Geeking on Me

Classic Episode 01 — Geeking on Me

Welcome to the 1st classic episode of Charlie's Geekcast, where I went on and on about how I got started collecting comics with just a single Batman comic. Plus, I touch on a little bit of then current comic book news and list off my favorite and least favorite comic book artists. I hope you enjoy the show. Next episode, part 1 of a 2 part look at The Transformers.