Special 01 — Geeking on the Power Rangers Part 1

Special 01 — Geeking on the Power Rangers Part 1

August 28th, 2013 marked 20 years since the debut of the Power Rangers, a franchise that has been entertaining kids ever since. Since I’m still a fan, I decided I wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion by releasing a series of special episodes covering the first 20 years of Power Rangers. This time out, I was joined by Joshua Lapin-Bertone (Spider-Man Crawlspace, Clone Saga Chronicles, Batgirl to Oracle), Donovan Morgan Grant (Spider-Man Crawlspace, Clone Saga Chronicles, Batman Universe, Questions: We Don’t Have Answers), and Joe Hogan (DeviantArt) to look at the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the series that started it all.

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