Classic Episode 15 — Geeking on JLA #10

Classic Episode 15 — Geeking on JLA #10

After taking monthly looks at the Grant Morrison Era of the JLA, we kick things in to high gear by going weekly. And what better time to start than with the 1st part of the classic Rock of Ages story?

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1 Comment

  1. Russell Bragg (Clarksburg, WV)

    Hello! Episode 15 — Geeking on JLA #10 was great. Thanks for the “comic-time” update before getting into the issue. It does help me out alot. I don’t know if I mentioned this to you before, but I know next to nothing about the Justice League beyond the Bronze Age. So all the information you can give is wonderful. I’m pretty sure I had heard of the “Rock Of Ages” storyline, but didn’t know the plot or how it ended. So I’ll be following along to see what happens. It was great to get into the ads again. However, it’s just not the same without Hostess, huh? A “Golden-Age” Reverse Flash to battle Jay Garrick? Cool! Seems a better villain than The Turtle or Rocco “The Gangster” Hannigan (made up that last one; all Golden Age heroes fought no-name gangster and petty criminals) Anyway, great episode as always. Keep up the great work and I’ll be waiting intently for the next episode.

    PS. I guess I sort of agree with you about the mother covering the baby stroller with her body in Superman II. Mothers will do just about anything to protect their children. I understand her actions…but it still seems silly to me. Bye!

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