Episode 46 — Geeking on Superman in the Bronze Age 5

An ancient being is unearthed, but it's intentions are not what they seem... Feedback for this show can be sent to: charliesgeekcast@gmail.com You can subscribe to Charlie’s Geekcast through iTunes, Google Play, the RSS Feed, Stitcher, TuneIn…
Classic Episode 13 — Geeking on Superman IV Commentary

Classic Episode 13 — Geeking on Superman IV Commentary

Movie Commentary Month comes to a close with commentary on Christopher Reeve's last outing as the Man of Steel, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. This time, Superman tries to bring an end to the threat of nuclear war and ends up getting more than he bargained for. Joining me for this momentous occasion is Lee Busby, a Superman fan who enjoys long walks on the beach, Kansas City barbeque, and being able to see Man of Steel a week before the rest of us “regular people.”
Classic Episode 12 — Geeking on Superman II: Donner Cut Commentary

Classic Episode 12 — Geeking on Superman II: Donner Cut Commentary

It was June 2013, which meant that a new movie was about to be released starring a certain Man of Steel. In honor of that, this month was a commentary month where I watched all 4 Christopher Reeve Superman movies, crossing over with my other show, Superman in the Bronze Age, to ensure all 4 were watched this month. For the first part, check out Episode 76 of Superman in the Bronze Age, where I watched the Theatrical Release of Superman: The Movie with Andy and Micheal Leyland. In this episode, I watch the Richard Donner cut of Superman II, a different take on the more familiar theatrical release.